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Kilgray Translation Technologies offers clean and innovative translation technology to enhance productivity and quality for translators, service providers and enterprises. We believe that translators, language service providers and translation end-users are equally important and that each group should get the best possible support.

Kilgray is the world’s fastest growing translation technology vendor. The company was established in 2004 by three Hungarian language technologists. Kilgray spent the first four years working on the technology and made its large-scale debut in 2009. Today, Kilgray has six offices in five countries – Hungary, the United States, Germany, France and Poland – and its staff has the best track record in the industry. Kilgray’s staff brings decades of experience from the design and marketing of other translation tools such as Lionbridge Freeway™, Idiom Worldserver™, SDL Trados™, or SDL Passolo™. Kilgray’s development team is headed by renowned Microsoft professionals who have also authored several books on Microsoft technology.

Kilgray is the only translation technology company with a bottom-up approach. We believe that language service providers can only introduce technology that translators also enjoy using, and we believe that enterprises can only be satisfied users of technologies that address the needs of language service providers and freelance translators alike. Kilgray is privately owned and has been profitable from the outset.
Kilgray does not provide any translation services and has committed to remaining independent in its Declaration of Independence.


SDL is the world leader in Global Information Management.
SDL Language Technologies provides innovative market-leading translation software to the translation supply chain (including corporate language departments, language service providers, freelance translators and academic institutions). SDL products are designed to increase efficiency and quality within the translation process and include the following core technologies:

  • Translation memory: A linguistic database that captures your translations, so you never have to translate the same sentence twice.
  • Terminology management: A searchable database containing terms and additional data ensuring consistency within translations.
  • Software localization: A tool that accelerates the technical aspects of localizing User Interfaces, help and documentation files.

With over 185,000 of our licenses being used by organizations and translators around the world, SDL Language Technologies is the preferred software provider within the translation industry.

SDL Technologies is the backbone of many global companies’ translation management solutions; helping improve process efficiency and increase the quality and volume of localized content – all whilst reducing cost.


TransitNXT – Traducere şi localizare în funcţie de context
TransitNXT este rezultatul a peste 20 de ani de experiență și cercetare neîntreruptă, rezultatul concretizându-se într-un program cu aspect şi percepţie inovatoare.
TransitNXT are acum presetări variate, pentru a reduce gama de funcţii afişate prin divizarea procesului complex de traducere în sarcini mai mici (sau roluri) — precum traducerea, localizarea, gestionarea proiectelor şi a terminologiei, markup etc.
Folosirea dicţionarelor TermStar pentru pretraducere este unul dintre cele mai mare beneficii pentru proiecte de traducere precum listele de piese, listele de accesorii, afişaj text, etc., conferind automat o consistenţă mai puternică a terminologiei (formulare globală).
TransitNXT suportă folosirea formatelor binare (.exe, .dll). Resource editor poate fi folosit pentru a ajusta şi a alinia cu uşurinţă poziţia şi dimensiunea elementelor de dialog (previzualizare dinamică). Toate modificările făcute sunt stocate drept coordonate în fişierele limbii ţintă şi de aceea pot fi luate în considerare automat la noile proiecte (refolosirea materialului de referinţă).
Deoarece suportă setul de caractere cu bit dublu Unicode, TransitNXT se poate utiliza pentru editare în peste 180 de limbi diferite. Datorită interfeţelor moderne XML, transferului de date TMS şi a unui modul de import al bazei de date extrem de puternic, trecerea la TransitNXT de la alte sisteme de memorie a traducerii n-a fost nicicând mai uşoară.


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